My Life Before Y2K

Remember Y2K? Do you know what it was and what it was predicted to happen in 2000? Y2K (Year Two Thousand) was a bug that was present in all operating systems and applications before 2000 that has dates with only the last two digits for the year stored in each and every database. The fix for this predicted bug cost a load of money to increase the format for the year to four digits in each database schema. The other option was to include an algorithm that would determine in which millennium the date is in. This would involve checking if the two last digits are less than fifty and if it is to insert the digits 20 in front of the last two digits, otherwise to insert 19. This would involve: updating database schema and adding code to update the stored date every time a record is modified in the application.

The Internet was already a thing back then but wasn’t as big as today and wasn’t as global as it is today. Cell phones were in usage back then but there was no data plan. You could only make calls, use applications and games directly on the cellphones without the possibility of sending data or emails from your cell phone.

My Career in Computer Science

Back then, I was working on that project at the Ottawa Hospital in Ontario, Canada. At the same time, I was completing my bachelor degree in computer science. I already had a diploma in computer science that I obtained at the College de l’Outaouais. A few years later, I moved on to work in the federal public service on several different applications for the department of Publics Works and Procurement Canada. I’ve worked on financial systems, pension & annuity systems, human resources systems and procurement systems over the past twenty two years.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to work from home. With more time on my hands, I could think about what I really want to accomplish now that I have twenty-five years of experience in computer science mostly in web application development. I’ve liked writing since I was a teenager.The opportunities to write and publish online weren’t there when I was a teenager, we had to become journalists or submit manuscripts to publishing houses and wait for the rare acceptance letter.

The New Opportunities For Writers

One can write and publish on the Internet. One can also self publish their books. One can have followers and subscribers. Since 2022, I’ve written several articles that I’ve published on Medium. I got Contena® certified last year and my portfolio can be found on here.

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